Statistics (Math 201)
Syllabus - Spring 2020

Satan delights equally in statistics and in quoting scripture.
-- H.G. Wells (The Undying Fire)

Statistics: the mathematical theory of ignorance.
--Morris Kline

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
-- Shakespeare (Macbeth)

Sections 201-A TH 8:00-9:15 (DSC 116)
201-B TH 12:00-1:15 (DSC 116)
Communication Office Hours: posted online, or by appointment
Announcements may be made via e-mail and the class web page:
Textbook Math 201 - Statistics, Edition 18.8 by Massey (available in C-N bookstore).
This custom textbook is required for Prof. Massey's Math 201 sections. It will be used for note taking, homework problems, and projects. You will be writing in, and tearing pages out of, this book, so it cannot be resold.
Technology You will need to use statistical software to complete homework, quizzes, and tests.
  • Instruction and support will reference only the TI-83/84 family calculators. It is mandatory that you acquire one and bring it to class. (Get a used one from another student or E-bay).
  • Computer activities may use Excel, or R
Description Math 201 is an introduction to applied statistics.
  • Broad areas: descriptive statistics, distributions, probability, and inference
  • Topics include: visualizing data, means and dispersion, regression, correlation, probability, discrete/continuous random variables (esp. binomial, normal), central limit theorem, sampling, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals.
Student Learning Outcomes - upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
  • Obtain, describe, process, and interpret data distributions presented graphically and numerically.
  • Determine experimental probabilities via designed or observational studies or simulations.
  • Determine theoretical probability modeled by a distribution or sample space.
  • Use probability to describe chance or risk in simple and compound events.
  • Collect, represent, analyze and interpret data, test hypotheses, and draw conclusions.
  • Apply mathematical models of statistics to problems from scientific, social, political, and economic disciplines.
C-N Liberal Arts Core Learning Objective:
When presented with an analytical problem, students will choose an appropriate model with which to solve the problem, use quantitative techniques to arrive at a solution, and interpret their solution in writing.
Prerequisites Adequate background in high school algebra II equivalent. You should feel comfortable working with variables, equations, inequalities, functions, and graphs.
Grading Here are the weightings for the 3-hour course:
Mid-term Tests
Final Exam
Guaranteed grades are 90-80-70-60 for A, B, C, D respectively.
Homework Homework problems are enumerated in the textbook. You should work all homework problems as they are assigned. In addition, there may be occasional assigned videos or brief readings. You are encouraged to collaborate with fellow classmates on homework. Some problems may require the use of technology. If you have homework questions, email me, or come by my office or the Student Success Lab for help. Doing, and understanding, your HW is the best way to prepare yourself for the tests. Math is not a spectator sport.
Quizzes There will be a quiz every class period. There may also be an occasional take-home quiz assignment.
  • Quizzes will be based on recent or review class material and homework.
  • Quiz work must be prepared according to instructions.
  • Solutions must be complete, clear, and correct to receive full credit. All supporting work must be shown.
  • Each quiz will be graded out of 10 points.
  • Quizzes may not be made up, but the lowest four grades will be dropped. If you have more than 4 missed classes for valid and documented reasons, then see the instructor to make arrangements.
Projects There will be two or three graded projects.
  • Projects must be prepared according to instructions and turned in by the due date.
  • Solutions must be complete, clear, and correct to receive full credit. All supporting work must be shown.
  • Select, but unspecified, parts of the take-home portion will be graded to determine part of each project's grade.
  • The rest of each project's grade will consist of a brief in-class open book test based on the project material.
  • There will be two mid-term tests, covering lecture, homework, and projects. Tentative test dates are:
    • Thu, Feb 13
    • Thu, Mar 26
  • No unauthorized resources may be used on the tests/exam.
  • If you must miss a test for a valid reason (college sponsored event, documented illness, or professor approved excuse), then you must notify the instructor as soon as possible. Makeup tests must be taken before the following class period. Your final exam grade may be substituted for the missed test if no convenient makeup time is available. The validity of an excuse is at the instructor's discretion. You must notify the professor before missing a scheduled test. Unexcused missed tests will be recorded with a grade of zero.
Final Exam The final exam is comprehensive. Consult the college exam schedule for date and time.
Attendance You are expected to attend every class period, and are responsible for all course material, as well as any in-class assignments that may be given.

Smartphones may not be used during class unless prior permission has been granted.

Academic Integrity